Creative Ways to Find Supply Chain Talent for Your Retail Business

Author: TASC Outsourcing
Jul 02, 2024

Supply chains have been under a lot of pressure across the globe, given that orders are getting backed up, shipping has become expensive, and retail brands are losing out on production time because of global disruptions.


Such disruptions even caused Revlon to file for a bankruptcy claim because of defaulting on a $3.7 billion debt in 2022.


Having a smooth supply chain operation is vital for success. And one of the ways to negate the challenges retail brands are facing with supply chain management is to build a top-notch supply chain workforce. According to a recent report, finding and retaining workers and talent shortages are recorded to be two of the biggest challenges in supply chain operations.


Recruiting talent in the supply chain industry isn't a walk in the park. There's a noticeable shortage of skilled individuals across various sectors like manufacturing, logistics, and warehouse management. Due to this scarcity, it has become particularly tough to locate competent supply chain workers.


However, when you do find them, they can significantly boost productivity, fill in gaps, and inject vibrancy into your company culture.


Hence, it's crucial to identify the right candidates with the appropriate skills and personality traits. But before we go there, it’s important to understand why finding the supply chain talent is challenging in the first place.


What Makes it Difficult to Find the Right Talent?

Firstly, in this line of work, individuals often have to juggle multiple tasks at once and think on their feet. When issues pop up in the supply chain, you need someone who can act quickly and creatively to solve them. That's why it's crucial to find someone who's not just experienced but also innovative.


You want someone who can tackle problems head-on instead of letting them overwhelm them.


Plus, it's important to consider how well they'll mesh with your company's culture and values. Every business has its own vibe, so finding someone who fits in seamlessly is key.


Given all these factors, it's no wonder finding the right person is such a tough nut to crack.


But there is a way out of it. In fact, several of them. Let’s take a look at them –


#1 – Fixing the Supply Chain Branding

Addressing the talent shortage in the supply chain goes beyond simply offering higher pay and bonuses, although these incentives can be helpful. The root of the problem lies in the branding. Many supply chain professionals believe negative perceptions about career growth and opportunities hinder talent attraction and retention, particularly among younger workers.


To tackle this issue and fill the increasing number of open positions, retail companies must work on changing these perceptions.


How? By shifting internal perspectives.


It's crucial to change how supply chain roles are viewed within the company.


Often, supply chain departments face budget cuts and struggle to gain approval for investments in technology or process improvements. This lack of investment may contribute to the negative perception of the industry.


To counter this, companies need executive support to recognize the supply chain as a strategic asset rather than just a cost centre.


Such a change in perspective will trickle down to better compensation packages, flexible schedules, improved benefits, and a re-evaluation of the skills required for key roles.


#2 – Adopting An Omnichannel Approach

You can move on to improve your recruitment strategies by embracing omnichannel thinking.


Many companies tend to reactively fill job openings without considering long-term talent needs in their supply chain management and logistics.


While companies prioritize omnichannel supply chains, they often overlook applying omnichannel principles to recruiting. It would mean going beyond traditional methods like scheduling interviews and attending career fairs and instead forging deeper connections with educational institutions.


To stay ahead, staying flexible in the approach.


Rather than rigidly sticking to job description requirements, consider what skills are truly essential and which ones are merely preferred. By weighing these criteria, we can better tailor our recruitment efforts to find the right fit for our team.


#3 – Build Partnerships with Educational Institutions

As mentioned before, you have to forge partnerships with universities that offer supply chain degree programs that align well with your company's entry-level job requirements, values, and culture.


Engage with potential recruits by attending college job fairs and building relationships beyond just the career centre staff.


Connect with professors who teach supply chain management courses, as they can provide insights into top-performing students.


You should also ensure that you post your job openings with each university and highlight the benefits of working for your organization.


Once you start hiring entry-level candidates from these universities, encourage them to return to their alma mater to help recruit supply chain students, fostering a cycle of engagement and recruitment.


#4 – Revamp Your Official Website

Simply having an "About" and "Jobs" section won’t cut it anymore.


Forward-thinking companies create dedicated landing pages tailored for different kinds of professionals and jobs.


The best websites go beyond just listing job openings. They feature case studies showcasing successful early-career professionals sharing their experiences with the company. Additionally, they provide insights into career development and leadership opportunities, along with resources to support growth.


As the employer of choice, you have to craft compelling stories about individuals and teams tackling exciting challenges to engage visitors and showcase your company's dynamic environment.


#5 – Partnering with a Recruitment Firm

You have to consider joining hands with an experienced recruitment firm that specializes in hiring supply chain workforce.


If you’re a small or medium-sized company and lack the hiring volume to justify a full-time recruiter, outsourcing is the right way to go. It can be immensely beneficial if you’re struggling to fill a crucial position and it's causing headaches for your business.


But before you make a decision, conduct thorough research both within your company and online to identify the right supply chain recruiting firm. Not all recruiters are the same—they vary in their specialties by industry, job function, level, and geographic area.


Empowering Your Supply Chain with Expert Talent Solutions

Finding the right talent for your supply chain workforce is undeniably challenging given the acute shortage of skilled individuals across sectors like manufacturing operations and distribution centers. However, with the right tools and strategies, you can significantly enhance your productivity, fill crucial gaps, and bring a fresh vibrancy to your organizational culture.

At TASC Outsourcing, we specialize in helping businesses navigate these complexities by connecting them with top-tier talent in logistics and supply chain management. Our team of expert recruiters is ready to assist you in identifying candidates who not only have the necessary skills but also align perfectly with your company's values and culture.

To explore how we can support your recruitment needs and foster a dynamic and effective workforce, get in touch with our recruitment experts today.