How To Hire Emiratis In Dubai?

Author: TASC Outsourcing
Feb 08, 2024

A strong workforce is crucial to running a successful business in Dubai. The city, renowned as a global business hub, offers countless avenues for entrepreneurial success to startup founders and small business owners.

However, the government’s Emiratization policy makes it extremely important to prioritise hiring local talent in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

In order to maintain compliance, you have to align your business with the core principles of the Emiratisation initiative. From understanding the complexities of the local job market to creating tailored recruitment strategies, you must take essential steps to seamlessly incorporate Emirati professionals into your team.

If you don’t know how to approach the situation, we have created this comprehensive guide that will help you navigate the process of hiring Emiratis. By incorporating these strategies in your hiring process, your business will not only align with national objectives but also tap into a pool of skilled and motivated Emirati individuals who will drive your business towards success.

Step #1 – Understanding the Emiratisation Initiative

Before you can begin the process of hiring Emirati professionals, you need to understand the concept and why the government is encouraging this initiative. This strategic policy is designed to seamlessly integrate UAE nationals into the private sector of the UAE workforce.

The goal is to create a sustainable future for Emirati citizens while simultaneously addressing the unemployment issues among UAE nationals.

While Emiratisation is a legal requirement, it is also a chance for businesses to tap into the special skills that Emiratis have to offer. When you understand the value that UAE nationals can bring to the table, it can help you align your business goals and values to support the UAE government’s plan for a strong future.

Step #2 – Identifying the Skills & Roles Required

The next step you need to undertake is to figure out which jobs in your company can benefit from the diverse skills of Emirati talent. UAE nationals are skilled in various areas, such as engineering, technology, management, and finance.

They also excel in education and have dynamic personalities and different life experiences. Their local insights and understanding of the culture can be extremely helpful for your organisation if you know how to leverage it.

Therefore, you must carefully examine your roles to see where their skills can make the biggest impact. By adopting this method, you will be filling positions and bringing in Emirati talent that can take your company to new heights.

Step #3 – Sourcing Candidates

You must adopt an intelligent method to find Emirati talent for your organisation. While online job websites are helpful, you might face challenges along the way, especially in managing communication and verifying information authenticity. 

One great way is to meet people at local events because it lets you talk directly with potential candidates and understand their skills better. Working with an Emiratisation agency in Dubai can help you make the process smoother, helping you connect with the right people.

Here are the three standard methods you should leverage to find Emirati talent other than online job portals –

  • Networking
  • Social Media
  • Employee Referrals

Step #4 – Interviewing & Selecting the Candidates

When you begin the process of hiring Emirati candidates, it is essential to keep their cultural normal and the involvement of family in their career choices in mind. Families often have a big say in what jobs their members take, so it’s extremely crucial to make sure they feel at ease during the hiring process.

You need to be respectful of traditions and customers during the entire interview and hiring process. Start by learning about the candidates’ skills and experiences to see if they fit well with your company’s culture.

A workplace that is inclusive and considerate automatically becomes an attractive employment choice for Emirati talent, which makes them more likely to work with you and stay with your company in the long run.

Step #5 – Onboarding New Hires & Training Them

Once you have made your pick, you need to make sure that the onboarding process is as smooth as possible for your candidate. In order to mitigate skill gaps, provide them with the necessary training, especially from trusted institutions, if you don’t have an in-house training module. The role of training your Emirati talent is to not only ensure they feel confident being part of your workforce but also help them grow their skills and abilities to be a valuable member of your team.

Step #6 – Retaining Your Emirati Talent

Getting your Emirati talent on board is just the beginning. You must also implement strategies that can help you retain them in the long run. Your workplace culture needs to be one where Emirati traditions and values are respected and supported.

Only when you give them opportunities to grow in their roles, acknowledge their achievements, and encourage open communication can you expect them to contribute and stay in your organisation.

Wrapping Up

As a business owner, you must remember that Emiratization goes beyond meeting a specific target. Instead, it is a smart move for your company’s future. By hiring Emiratis, you’d be bringing in a team that’s not just skilled and passionate but also in tune with the local culture.

Follow the above-mentioned steps judiciously to bring in and keep Emirati talent in your organisation and to be an active part of the UAE’s vision for a strong and diverse economy. Hiring local talent isn’t just for today but is a necessary step to invest in a workforce that keeps your business afloat and thriving in the years to come.

TASC Outsourcing – Your Leading Recruitment Partner to Hire Emirati Talent

At TASC, we firmly believe in backing the Emiratisation initiative by linking employees with talented UAE nationals. If you wish to hire top local talent for your organisation, we’re here for you. From finding candidates to organising interviews to facilitating the onboarding protocols, our services cover everything.

With a solid grasp of the Emirati job market and a strong network to our advantage, we’re your go-to partner companies who want to broaden their workforce and support the UAE’s Emiratisation goals.

If you’re ready to build a workforce of the future, get in touch with us today!