May 6,2024
The Role of Sentiment Analysis to Improve Employee Engagement in Retail
In 2022, the retail sector in the UAE was valued at AED 306.6 billion, and it's expected to keep growing by around 5% each year until 2027.
Apr 29,2024
Why Your Retail Business Should Leverage Social Geotargeting for Your Job Ads?
Retail has become a part of our lifestyle, so much so, that we can’t imagine going a day without making some kind of purchase, be it offline or online.
Apr 23,2024
Social Media Recruitment Trends in Retail: Leveraging Different Platforms
Dubai's economy underwent an expansion of 4.6%, which reached a substantial AED 307.5 billion in 2022. The retail sector played a crucial role by contributing a significant 24.1% to this overall growth, which makes it a key driver of the economy.